t-test: Paired samples

We give the students an algebra quiz (the before scores). The next class we give the same students a quick review focusing on their most common mistakes (the treatment). Then we re-test the students with a similar algebra quiz (the after scores). We want to determine if this treatment is effective, i.e., does it raise quiz scores.

The following short tutorial PDF explains how to do a paired-samples t-test using the statistics package R and how to report your results. At the end of the tutorial is an Appendix with a short introduction to using R.

The tutorial requires the following .csv data file (containing the data on the students). You can open this file in any spreadsheet (e.g., Microsoft Excel) or text editor.

The tutorial requires the following R script. It is a .txt file. You can open it in R (or any text editor).

You can download the statistics package R for free from: